Sunday, July 24, 2011

Adventure Awaits

I feel like a kid in a candy shop because tomorrow I am going to Los Angeles for the gift show. What a fantastic joy it is to anticipate my customers desires and order what I think they will like. It will be a long but fun day of exploring vendors and their wares," talking shop" with  store owners and buyers from all over the US, and of course designers. It's just a ball and I always, always, always, have some sort of unexpected fun.
You always stand a chance of running into an acclaimed shops buyer or see the suited up buyers of the majors, Norstroms, chain stores, Neiman Marcus, because we all go to the same places to get our merchandise. The Market as we call it, is a series of shows put on by designers and sales rep to show their up comming collections.

** At a later time I will tell you the difference between the Gift/Fashion/Shoe/Accessory Shows and Fashion Week Shows**

Once at a gift show I ran into Yana Syrkin owner and founder of Fifi and Romeo a tony little doggie boutique in Los Angeles. She was with her assistant at the time Tinkerbell. We had a great convo about the market, business,and of course doggie couture.
Another time at a regular fashion market I was sitting at The Tiara Cafe, enjoying lunch with my mom when a woman sitting with her daughter  leaned over the banquette to compliment our meal choice and decided to order the same. I told her she looked so familiar and went on to ask,"Are you a sales rep?" She say, "No, I'm a designer"
So I ask what line and she introduces herself as Danielle Clark designer of Frankie B denim and her daughter Frankie! I was beyond excited and we talked shop for a moment, ate lunch, said good bye, and went on.
It's little moment like those that make what I do exciting and so much fun. You never know who you'll run into. Especially for me a little shop owner in a littleish big town. 


  1. Sounds fabulous. I myself am trying to get into the world of fashion purchasing. Have fun! :]

  2. Love that picture, so adorable!

